Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thruway to a not so good place...

As noted this post is a one-off to air some of the public K-12 diagnoses and ideas advanced by Marion Brady, a nationally known educator and education scholar.  How this post came to be merits a brief explanation.

Dr. Marion Brady actually started his teaching career in Portage County Ohio, 1952-1956, before relocating to Florida.  He has served in multiple public schools, in higher education, consulted with major BOE, written for our press, and authored multiple books. 

We became acquainted online over a year ago via dialogue among Marion, myself, and Valerie Strauss, impresario of The Washington Post’s outstanding education column, "The Answer Sheet," where Marion’s material has periodically appeared.

Last week, in an email exchange about core change needed in public K-12, Marion included a jpeg copy of a creative piece that appeared in the Orlando Sentinel in 2005.   Because its text could not be recovered digitally, I asked Marion for a digital version.  He provided that, but in the process automatically shared a treasure trove compilation featuring 65 additional essays and columns since 1993.

Marion’s assessments and ideas embrace the analysis and design exemplar, thinking-outside-the-box, a feature in short supply in our present public K-12 education bureaucracies, as well in the U.S. Department of Education, and critically so in most state education departments.   His assessments predate and anticipate the critique that has now erupted challenging the efficacy of three decades of attempted “corporate reform” of our schools.

Be aware, the essays and ideas advanced are addictive, but if absorbed will add materially to an understanding of why U.S. public schools are still in a crisis mode.  

Lastly, as unfortunately true of too much of our present public K-12 education establishment, if you are intolerant of input that does not support preconceived views, this is a good time to exit this blog.  Otherwise, enjoy, and prepare to be challenged in a good way.

The link to the material:

Ron Willett

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